Multilingual Resources
Access our translated Coping Tools and Worksheets in common languages other than English.
Developed in collaboration with the New South Wales Multicultural Health Communication Service and funded by the New South Wales Ministry of Health

Going through a tough time? Take a look at our translated Coping Tools
Simple Steps to Calm Your Emotions
خطوة سهلة لتهدئة مشاعرك (Arabic)
让情绪平静下来 (Chinese – Simplified)
讓情緒平靜下來 的簡單步驟 (Chinese – Traditional)
Simple Steps to Calm Your Emotions (English)
Isang simpleng paraan upang pumanatag ang iyong emosyon (Filipino)
Ένα απλό βήμα για να ηρεμήσετε τα συναισθήματά σας (Greek)
आपकी भावनाओं को शांत करने का एक सामान्य उपाय (Hindi)
Un semplice passo per calmare le tue emozioni (Italian)
Un paso simple para calmar sus emociones (Spanish)
Một bước đơn giản để làm dịu cảm xúc của quý vị (Vietnamese)
Effective Ways to Express Yourself
الطريقة الفعالة للتعبير عن نفسك (Arabic)
表达自己心情的有效方式 (Chinese – Simplified)
表達自己心情的有效方式 (Chinese – Traditional)
Effective Ways to Express Yourself (English)
Isang mabisang paraan upang maipahayag ang iyong sarili (Filipino)
Ένας αποτελεσματικός τρόπος να εκφράζεστε (Greek)
अपने आपको व्यक्त करने का एक प्रभावी तरीका (Hindi)
Un modo efficace di esprimerti (Italian)
Helpful Steps to Tackle Your Problems
خطوة بسيطة لمعالجة مشاكلك (Arabic)
解决问题的简单步骤 (Chinese – Simplified)
解決問題的簡單步驟 (Chinese – Traditional)
Helpful Steps to Tackle Your Problems (English)
Isang simpleng paraan upang matugunan ang iyong mga problema (Filipino)
Ένα απλό βήμα για την αντιμετώπιση των προβλημάτων σας (Greek)
अपनी समस्याओं का सामना करने के लिए एक सामान्य उपाय (Hindi)
Un semplice passo per affrontare i tuoi problemi (Italian)
Un paso simple para abordar sus problemas (Spanish)
Một bước đơn giản để xử trí các vấn đề của quý vị (Vietnamese)
New Translated Worksheets
Please feel free to download and print PDF copies of these resources and pass them onto those who will benefit.
ورقة عمل البحث عن اإليجابيات (Arabic)
積極因素清單 (Chinese – Traditional)
Positive Hunt Worksheet (English)
Sulatang-Pahina sa Paghahanap ng mga Positibo sa Buhay (Filipino)
Φύλλο Καταγραφής Θετικών Εμπειριών (Greek)
सकारात्मक अनुभवों की खोज की वर्क शीट (Hindi)
Foglio di lavoro Hunt per le esperienze positive (Italian)
اإلرخاء التدريجي للعضالت (Arabic)
逐漸放鬆肌肉 (Chinese – Traditional)
Progressive Muscle Relaxation (English)
Progresibong Pagpapahinga ng Kalamnan (Filipino)
Προοδευτική Μυϊκή Χαλάρωση (Greek)
प्रगतिशील रूप से मांसपेशियों को आराम पहुँचाना (प्रोग्रेसिव मसल रिलैक्सेशन) (Hindi)
Rilassamento muscolare progressivo (Italian)
Resources As A Bundle
To download the translated worksheets as a bundle, click the preferred language below.
For the same worksheets in English, click here.
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